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​​“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.”
― Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood 

Flying Books


                              One word: Reviews!

As readers reviews are an important factor, it helps future readers see how many people like or disliked the book. With so many books available now, reviews help understand the popularity of the book. Now for authors reviews is their main source for feedback. Without reviews authors wont get a sense of how their readers reacted to the books. they can also use it as reference for future books, see what the readers liked and dislike. Now keep in mind that with more reviews more visibility that book receives, which means more access to more readers and hopefully lot more books from the author! 


Writing a review: When I started reading I never used to leave reviews, because I just didn't know how to leave one or what to say. To leave a review, all you need to do is express exactly what you felt during the book. (Easier said than done right?! ) For example you can write who was your favorite character  and why, what was your favorite part and will you recommend it. What grabbed your attention as soon as you started reading? You can also add if its the first time you read a book from said author. Give a synopsis without giving away all the details of the book. Keep in mind the importance to not give away spoilers for the book, it can ruin it for other readers!

Remember you can leave reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, BookBub and even on your own blog! 

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